AIOPA - Monthly Meeting

During the September 27 meeting:

Opening Prayer was offered by Fr. George Ascente

Florian Ion gave an update of what is happening outside this group activities/meetings with AOCB/AIOPA as well as an overview of what has been accomplished to date.

Several workgroups were represented and reviewed their activities and accomplishments.

Please see the attached slide deck for full details.

Highlights from the slide deck presentation include:

  • Religion—Fr. Anthony Salzman gave a report on the Liturgical Arts Academy and what they were able to accomplish. Fr. Christos Mares gave a report on the Inaugural Cross Dive as well as future events, most specifically the Christmas Concert.

  • Charity—Florian reviewed the Soles4Souls going on throughout September, which due to lack of participation because of various parish festival maybe extended into October, as well as the Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta for November.

  • Development—Florian reminded us of the Connect Conference coming up soon this coming weekend and told us that due to the impending hurricane taking place in Florida, the participants from that state would not be attending and as such registration has been reopened for 48 hours to maximize the number of participants as possible.

  • Social—Garrett Klawuhn gave an update on recent past events. Borko Komnenovic gave information on Serb Fest this weekend IF weather permits. The Lilburn festival will be added to the website for Oct 22/23.

  • Communication—Florian gave an update on communications. Julia Hill reminded us to provide information from events, before and after they take place as well as encouraging everyone to get their clergy to fill out the Clergy Spotlight so that everyone can get to know who they are as well.

Florian reviewed the plot chart to show parish engagement and relationships.

Fr. Anthony asked if there was a timetable for this organization. Florian stated not as this time.

Fr. Christos thanked everyone for their participation and commitment to this responsibility we have been tasked with and to continue to spread the word of AIOPA.

Fr. Miladin Blagojevic offered the closing prayer.


Fr. George Acente, Fr. Miladin Blagojevic, Mirjana Brockett, Julia Hill, Garrett Klawuhn, Borko Komnenovic, Fr. Christos Mars, Theo Mantzikos, Fr. Anthony Salzman, Jackie Sarantis, Liviu Sofian, Sarah Stewart, and Toni Taggart

Florian Ion